5 October 2007

Great Acting!

Just had to post this because of the absurdity of the dive! Dida deserves to be banned for a dozen games for such idiocy. He must be totally ashamed having seen the replay - it was closer to a tickle than a punch!


Peter Lamb said...

Whilst I agree completely with you, unfortunately the twerps at UEFA are unlikely to do so. They are more likely to attach more importance to Celtic's technical offence of allowing a spectator to get on to the pitch than to Dida's ridiculous play-acting, aided and abetted by the medical staff who gave him an ice-pack to hold against the "wound" and carried him off on a stretcher. He should be suspended and his club should be heavily fined.

Ed said...

there was an article in the sunday times yesterday suggesting exactly that - that the medical staff went along with the deception and the club should therefore be reprimanded.

Mark Davis said...

No this is all incorrect. The poor 'keeper was the victim of a highly trained martial arts professor who had devoted his life to the perfection of the delayed action kafatoo or tickle.