1 - Foul throws. These are never given by referees and linesmen and yet would be penalised every time in Sunday League football. Why can't professional footballers take throw-ins properly?
2 - Half-time and full-time whistle - Why do referees so often wait for a goal kick to be up in the air before they blow for half-time or full-time? This makes absolutely no sense. Their watches are still running when the ball is out of play or in the goalkeeper's hands, so why not blow the whistle then?
3 - Free-kicks - Basic trigonometry. Why do players so often knock the ball one yard to the right or left for someone else to strike it? This changes the angle slightly, but allows the defenders to be 5 yards closer when the ball is struck, thus being completely counter-productive.
I feel much better now. Thank you
Since you started on the ref thing with your second point, here's my number one annoyance:
Refs that run away when the players surround them. Stand still for ****'s sake - that way the players won't run after you screaming at you...it's the most basic of body language rules!
Having just watched a bit of "super-nanny" (yes, sad I realise) the resemblence between prefessional footballers and naughty children seems to be more than just a passing one...
The naughty step for professional footballers - an interesting idea.
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